Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

The Bad Effect of Demokrasi

The Bad Effects of Democracy
Good morning ladies and gentlemen!
In the early morning when people woke up from their sleep, suddenly heard terrible explosion in Baghdad city. US forces attacks Saddam Husein palace in Tigris river bank by aircrafts.  Bom!! Bom!!!Dudududududud $#@^&^*(&)(^&$%#$*  Then black smoke rose onto the air.
Do you remember Iraq War? What a horrible it is!
Do you know that the number of war victims in the world now is more than in WTC tragedy in 2001? And it is one of the effects of democracy. Why? Let’s listen to my speech.
Today, I would like to talk about the bad effects of democracy.
First, I’m going to tell about what democracy is. Next, I’m going to discuss many bad effects of democracy. Then I’ll summarize my speech.
I’ll begin with what is democracy? You might know. Democracy’s word is contents of words: demos and kratein, from Greek language. Demos means people, kratein means power or government. Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg’s speech defines democracy is "government of the people, by the people, and for the people". It means that the supreme power is in the hands of the people and people have rights, opportunities, and same sound to manage of government policy. Today, democracy not only brings good changes, but also causes great destroyed in the world. Aristoteles and Plato had warning us if democracy is a deterioration of the state because it tends to tyranny and only favor a particular persons.
Then, I would like to discuss the main point of my speech, the bad effects of democracy. Democracy had destroyed world structures. There are many bad effects of democracy:
First, people in the world feel misery because of liberalism. Democracy is near with liberalism, and democracy is a tool to develop liberalism. Liberalism cause the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Every country, include Indonesia, pressed by USA to apply democracy. From this step, USA also forces us to apply liberalism though by hidden way. Then democracy creates public lies and poverty. And do you know that democracy never promise to give better results for every country?!
Second, democracy makes USA dominate the world in all aspects. Since Abraham Lincoln speech about democracy, USA became well known as democratic country. US claim his self is a most correct country. And nowadays, USA is the greatest center of the world point of views. Army, industry, technology, economy, education, IT, fashion, entertainment, culture and etc… All people see USA, see American. We know that All of USA is not all good to us. So, USA is easy to manage other countries according his own. 
Third, democracy causes terrorism haunt the world every times. Terrorism is worst effect of democracy. A world should there are minimum two power, why? Because if there just one power, it will dominate the world, it will be superpower country. In 1950s – 1990s, after World War Part II, there are two great countries in the world, America and UniSovyet, but now, only America. America dominates nations, so terrorism became America’s enemy to balance the world. Terrorism born from dissatisfaction and hate to America action. Then, America attacks many countries to combating terrorism. The number of USA invasion victim in the world is more than victims of WTC tragedy in 2001. Victims of WTC are 2973 people dead, but victims USA’s war are hundred million people dead.
Finally, I’d like to summarize that democracy has many bad effects. Democracy cause people in the world feel misery because of liberalism, USA dominate the world in all aspects, and causes terrorism haunt the world every times.
I suggest that democracy is should not force every country because each country has state personality and cultural relativities to build themselves.

English Speech
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