Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

Biking to Ancol

4 last years......
            Last month I went to Ancol because I would see a wonderful scenery. It is located in Bligo, Ngluwar, Magelang. Before I had gone there, I didn’t eat some food, so I was hungry. I went there together with my village mates, there were 17 persons. We went there by bikes. We had gone to Ancol while peoples in my village worked to built a small bridge in rice field of East village. We left my village at 5.30 am. We would went to Kaliduren cross junction, then Ngentak Cross junction, next Gedongan cross junction, after that Balangan coss junction, then 4 direction of river at North “Buk Renteng”, then Tempel, after that Ngluwar, then entered a small village to reached at Ancol.
            When we arrived in Tempel, the tire of my bike was flat. I was confused. Then my friend borrowed a pump. Unfortunately, the pump was not fit. So, I was more confused. Fortunately, my friend had have a small pump which fit for my tire. If I had known before, I would have reached in Ancol early. We arrived at Ancol while the sun was high rising. In Ancol we could see beautiful view which made we thank to God indeed. We walked around the river. We played stones and water.
            After, we felt that the time was not morning we decided to came back. We left Ancol and went to Kalibawang, Kulon Progo. After we left Kalibawang, we went to East and reached on Duwet Fly Bridge. After that we went to demarcation of Magelang-Sleman and we left the same way. And we reached in Betakan, my village. Went by bike was interested, enjoyed, but made tired. And we were very hungry because we were late for breakfast.

Kurnia Siwi Hastuti

XI A2 / 22

And three weeks ago (May, 26, 2013).. i and my brother went there again.... Subhanallah...What a beautiful scenery it is!

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